The City of Chico is a beautiful place. It deserves better than fear-mongering and divisiveness.
Complaining and blaming is easy. Understanding and exploring viable solutions is hard.
We are a solutions-driven and strategic group of concerned citizens and community leaders who are fed up with a radical right-wing contingent of our region attempting to convince our residents that the City of Chico is not a beautiful, vibrant place to live.
We recognize the complex issues facing our City, and will actively work to address them — but obstructionism, gaslighting, fear-mongering, and lying are not productive means by which to care for our the place we call home. We all deserve better, and Chico deserves better.
We will stand together. We still stand against efforts to divide and distract. We will celebrate the good work being done. We will stand up for Chico.

Our country is more divided than it has ever been before. But Chico doesn’t have to be. We have some challenges, but we also still live in a beautiful, vibrant community, with parks and thriving, distinctive local businesses that so many of us love. Our essential character is intact.
In the coming months, Stand Up For Chico plans to spotlight many of the people, places and things that make Chico such a wonderful place to live, work and recreate. We plan to focus on what’s going right, and to work together on real solutions for the things we’d like to see improved.
I hope you will join us. Chico is a great place to live, and together we can make it even better. It’s time to Stand Up for Chico.