You can help us make Chico a better place, and build community in the process. Here’s how.


In order to out-message right-wing conservative PACs and online bullies, we need fight the big money that’s fueling them. Your contribution to our PAC directly supports our message of unity and progress, and will help us to confront the harmful (and sometimes, blatantly false) narratives being used to change City Council leadership in 2020.

With your help, we will print informational material; purchase buttons, t-shirts, and stickers for outreach; send mailers to voters; invest in digital and print advertising; and build a robust phone and text outreach campaign. We will ensure that the 2020 election is not determined by misinformation and manipulation, but by the issues at hand and the solutions presented.


During COVID-19, advocating for our City looks a lot different. Still, in order to disrupt harmful narratives, we will need all the people-power we can get. Sign up to distribute materials, make phone calls, send texts, write letters to the editor (LTE), host digital events, and help solutions-focused leaders get elected to the Chico City Council in November. Got other creative ideas? We love those too. We welcome you.

Get in touch with us below.

Spread the word.

When your goal is to change the narrative, it takes thousands of real people to stand up and use their voices. Like and follow us on social media, share posts, invite others to join (and donate), tell us what you love about Chico by emailing or messaging us your testimonial, and tell others why you are standing up by using the hashtag #StandUpChico across social media platforms.

Please also sign up for your newsletter below.

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