About the new murals on Park and 11th

If you’re like us, you’ve noticed the stunning murals that have gone up on the corner of E 11th St and Park Avenue. The murals have turned a blighted building into gorgeous art. You may have been wondering about the work - here’s the artist’s statement:

“Sign Language is as Necessary as it is Beautiful” ⠀

"About the piece: So many people comment on the beauty of ASL. People idolize it, say how cool it looks, comment on how they wish they knew it. If I ask if sign language is beautiful, many would say yes. But if I ask if they think it’s necessary, the answer changes. Sign language deserves the same respect as spoken language. It is necessary. ⠀

The portrait of Judith Scott, a Deaf artist with Down syndrome, was painted by Dylan Tellesen. ⠀

This mural is part of the Sign Sign Project, a fiscally sponsored project under the nonprofit organization called CascadiaNow!⠀

This mural's materials and supplies were funded by the Chico community and online donors. The wall space has been donated as well. Thank you so much! ⠀

Thank you so much to everyone who has been⠀

involved in this project so far. More to come!

Follow @hellovalerierose @signsignproject to keep up with the project and other work"


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Chico PD Sued Yet Again