Cleaning up Lower Park

Saturday, August 28th, was our first scheduled group cleanup. The park was lovely, as usual, and it’s a bit more so now. 45 people turned out to help us clean up Lower Bidwell Park, and together our team removed approximately 12 cubic yards of trash!

Special thanks to Will Brady who brought a trailer, cans, buckets and bags, and hauled away a lot of what we pulled out. Christopher McLaughlin and Mike Hornick also came with a trailer and hauled away a literal ton. Tom Little from Jeeptrail made us cool TShirts to share. Angel Gomez helped us plan and kicked it off with a great safety talk, and the city allowed us to take the trash to their local facility which was a big help.

Local leaders and candidates were out in force as well, including councilors Alex Brown, Randall Stone and family, Ann Schwab and council candidates Rich Ober and Curtis Pahlka.

This is exactly what we think of when we think of community. A diverse group of people, kiddos to seniors from all walks of life, took a few hours of their Saturday morning to make our park more enjoyable for all of us.

We are loving being part of this movement to make Chico a better place, and are so grateful for your support.

Our next cleanup will be in conjunction with the Butte Environmental Council 33rd Annual Bidwell Park and Chico Creeks Cleanup - you can find more details here. Looking forward to seeing you around town!

#StandUpChico #WeAreChico

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