Rich Ober, Chico City Council Candidate District 7

Rich Ober is far and away the best qualified candidate for Chico’s new District 7. We were lucky to have a few minutes to chat with him about his background and why he is running.

If you get a few minutes, you can view the video here: Rich Ober, Chico City Council Candidate District 7

There is a vast difference between his knowledge and that of the person running against him. Deepika Tandon may be a lovely person, but her ignorance of many issues facing the city when she spoke during the League of Women Voters Chico City Council Forum was alarming. You can see a quick selection of those answers here: Deepika Tandon

Finally, you can view the entire forum and see all the questions and the candidates answers here: League of Women Voters Chico City Council Forum The forum is well worth a watch if you have the time.




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