League of Women Voters: Voter’s Edge Website

The League of Women Voters of Butte County does amazing work to ensure that voting is accessible and understandable to everyone. For California, they have a site called Voters Edge, where you can enter your address and get info on candidates, measures, and who supports them.

Voters Edge

Just enter your address to see your ballot and review candidates and initiatives. You can also find information there on how/where to turn in your ballot, and how to register right up to the day of the election, even if you missed the deadline.

This election is so important. For Chico, but for our entire nation as well. This may well be the most important election of our lifetimes.

Make a plan and vote like our lives depend on it.


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About the Ugly Display at the Entrance to Bidwell Park


No on Coolidge - Chico Can’t Afford Another 4 Years