About the Ugly Display at the Entrance to Bidwell Park

We had planned to write about the display that appeared over the weekend at the home across from the entrance to Bidwell Park, but our friend, John Howlett, wrote such a heartfelt post we’ve just decided to share it with you.

From John:

Up until a couple of years ago, an older, very sweet couple used to live in this home. Every holiday -Easter, Halloween, Fourth of July they would put up wonderful decorations in their windows and on the porches - truly representing the pride they had in their home and the very prominent location at the entry to Bidwell Park. My favorite holiday decoration they had though was the neon sign they lit in the window facing Cypress Street at Christmas time -“Peace on Earth”. It physically pains me to think what that sweet couple would think of the trash that has been put up in their yard this campaign season. I can not even imagine what it must be like to be homeless - I have been extremely fortunate that I have always had economic security, both as a child through my stable parents, and as an adult through almost constant employment. But not everyone has had the luck and privilege I’ve been afforded - and I’ve always viewed it as my responsibility to do what I (and my family) can to help those whom have not had this same luck. It’s not charity, it’s not religious work, it’s just called being a good person and nothing more. And different folks have different levels of commitment to aid those without housing - my personal heroes are the folks that run Safe Space winter shelter EVERY year! They literally save the lives of people who have become faceless to most of us - but not Safe Space volunteers - they know EVERYONE by name and also know their life stories - not because it’s their job, but because their decent, loving and caring human beings.

To knowingly allow signs and tents to be placed in your yard openly mocking the human suffering and outright desperation that forces PEOPLE to shelter in public space during a PANDEMIC is an action that truly shakes me to my core. Have you no humanity left in your soul ? Have you EVER walked across the street to check in on your fellow human beings to see if you could help them in some way? I have the distinct privilege to help the homeless encampments that have been sheltering in place during the COVID crisis in my neighborhood - removing daily trash and helping bring water and what food I can afford or find from the incredible mutual aid groups that are literally helping the individuals stay alive. And I’m no different from literally dozens of people I know - we just do what needs to be done to keep people alive in the absence of any semblance of action from City leadership.

So, we are WAY past the time to decide where we all individually come down on what to do about helping the homeless survive this latest challenge to survive yet another cold, rainy and brutal Winter season in Chico. The campaign signs in this yard represent candidates and groups that have given up on helping, and now only use others human suffering for their own political gain. With the money they spent on those tents (for a cheap and twisted political stunt) they could have donated to a local group to help alleviate the human suffering that THEY see firsthand everyday. I know I’m not the only person who shares the same precious memories of this house and all of the positive messages that it’s owners used to be so happy to share for their community. So, as you make your decisions this season about which individuals truly have the best ability, experience and most importantly the HEART to really understand how to help our houseless citizens to a place of stability and a future of hope - resist the hateful, hurtful and simplistic thinking that has sadly occupied this very special home.


𝐈𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐧 𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐥?


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