Perspective, Before We Jump Into the Fray

It’s time for us to talk directly about some of the candidates.

Before we do, we want to take a moment to offer some perspective.

We feel very strongly that some candidates are ill-equipped to do the jobs they are running for.

Nonetheless, running for a local office takes courage, especially in the ugly environment Chico has presented this past year. Running, and frankly doing the jobs themselves, is mostly thankless and we have a lot of respect for the people who put themselves out there.

Someone will always be angry, and given that we still live in a fairly small town, candidates are likely to run into people who have said ugly things about them at the Farmer’s Market, or Safeway, or Costco…you get the picture. It’s often uncomfortable at best, and no one is making much money from serving in any of these positions.

We started Stand Up for Chico in large part because we were and are aghast at the antipathy, meanness and misinformation that has permeated our community. We don’t intend to be part of it; no making ugly memes, name-calling, or other types of rudeness. Our goal was, and remains, to present the facts.

We also aren’t impartial. We are a group of progressives who care very much about our city and it’s future, and believe that progressive values offer the path that most strongly aligns with our vision for the community.

We also believe that some things have to be said. We will try to do so as respectfully as possible, and if you are someone that we don’t endorse, we will still smile and say “hi” when we see you around town, because building community is part of our values too.

It’s long past time to do things differently, and it starts here. With us.

#StandUpChico #WeAreChico

If you share our values, please consider donating to help us spread the word. Every dollar you donate will go to growing the movement. We have no staff, we don’t pay political strategists; every dollar goes towards sharing our content, spreading the word, and building a movement for positive change.

Even if you can’t afford to donate, sharing our content helps us build the movement!


The Trouble With Kami Denlay


Call to Action: Make Your Voice Heard