Rich Ober is our Pick for Chico City Council District 7

Rich Ober has a long history of community service; he served on the Chico Park’s Commission for 10 years, 3 of those as Chair; he has served meals at the Torres Shelter for many years, and served on the Board of Directors, including 2 years as Chair. His deep knowledge of the district, hands-on involvement in a variety of community initiatives, and focus on homelessness and housing creation will all be critical in coming years.

His opponent, Deepika Tandon, is an avid Trump-supporter who brazenly changed her party registration to “no preference” shortly before filing. She has no history of community service, and her answers at a the League of Women Voters Chico City Council Candidate Forum demonstrated a stunning lack of knowledge about the issues facing the city.

Like Kami, the only reason her candidacy is at all viable is the amount of money spent by a right-wing PAC promoting her; so far they have spent $22,641 supporting her and another $8,000 attacking Rich.

Learn more about Rich Ober


It’s Time to VOTE!


Curtis Pahlka is Our Pick for Chico City Council District 1